From Passion to Industry Titan: Behind Nick Diamantopoulos’ 30-year garlic empire 满腔激情走到行业巨头纵横蒜头王国30年的背后

Nick Diamantopoulos
Founder and CEO of Australian Garlic Producers (AGP)

When Nick Diamantopoulos bought a hobby farm in Gippsland, rural Victoria, 30 years ago, he dreamed of a world where Australians would not have to buy imported garlic. Little did he realise that his passion project would manifest itself into Australian Garlic Producers’ (AGP), the country’s largest producer of Australian garlic.

Today, he is the founder and CEO of AGP, which operates more than 700 acres of garlic fields across Australia. Nick is widely known as the “Garlic King” who, through great innovation, persistence, and daring, created a homegrown, Australian-made garlic industry that prides itself on the utmost quality in its garlic bulbs whilst also fostering a sense of community as jobs are created for “the next generation of Australians”.

How did one man’s humble beginnings, from helping his mother grow plants in their garden during his childhood to a love for the symbiosis between nature and industry, prepare him to become the agricultural industry titan that he is today?

To understand Nick’s story, it’d be helpful to understand his professional background in chemical engineering and applied mathematics. Shortly after graduation, Nick worked in the building industry as an industrial chemist for 15 productive years. Yet, his passion for agriculture never waned, and Nick worked tirelessly to identify a unique crop that would not only be suitable for the specific climatic conditions of Gippsland but also cater to a gap in the Australian market. 

After extensive research into Australian garlic, Nick discovered that the garlic seed used in Australia “was full of disease and viruses”. Nick also learned that Australia imports most of its garlic from overseas.

“The only problem was that the Australian garlic season started around Christmas and finished later in the summer”, said Nick reflectively.

Recognising the inherent opportunity that lay in creating a homegrown Australian garlic industry, Nick focused his efforts on cultivating garlic and chose Gippsland, with its high annual rainfall and naturally sloping landscapes, to be the idyll landscape to grow a winter crop like garlic.

Though the journey from hobby to business proved much more challenging than initially envisaged, Nick never faltered in his vision. The vast market potential of bringing homegrown Australian garlic kept him motivated to solve both the issues of poor garlic quality and an overdependence on imported garlic.

Before AGP, Australia was importing around 10,000 tonnes of garlic, and Australia’s garlic industry barely existed. There were a few Italian growers in the Riverina Griffiths area who grew garlic in small quantities for personal use and sold some of their surplus at local fresh markets. Issues with an unstructured garlic industry were exacerbated by limited scientific knowledge about garlic production, disease management, pest control, and fertilisation. Even the Department of Agriculture in New South Wales was initially sceptical about the viability of growing garlic in Australia.

To combat the above problems, Nick looked overseas for expertise in garlic cultivation techniques to apply his learnings to Australia’s unique climatic conditions. Nick’s quest to find the perfect garlic bulb took him from Melbourne’s eastern suburbs to Far East Turkey and to the peaks of the Andes.

“In Peru, I found varieties that had not changed in the 500 years since they were introduced by Spanish conquistadors,” he says. Over the past three decades, Diamantopoulos has accumulated over 300 different varieties of garlic, importing many through quarantine and breeding others locally. 

Smiling optimistically in a manner that complements his ‘can-do’ entrepreneurial spirit, Nick’s enthusiasm oozed into his passionate insights on this somewhat ordinary vegetable as the radiant sunlight graced his garlic fields.

Leveraging his background in science, Nick created a distinctive product called SupaGarlic, an innovative range of dietary supplements made locally with 100% Australian garlic oil. By utilising techniques such as DNA fingerprinting and testing for their various sulphur compounds, Nick was able to identify garlic varieties with specific health benefits and use patented technology to create a high-potency garlic oil extract that retained these health benefits.

“SupaGarlic uses homegrown Australian garlic that is harvested and bottled locally. While other garlic supplements on the market use a mix of imported ingredients, the garlic oil used in SupaGarlic has been laboratory tested, is well trusted by our consumers, and has a strong potency for eliminating viruses”. Furthermore, Nick ensures that AGP uses sustainable farming methods that are ethically procured in all facets of SupaGarlic’s production. Nick and his team at AGP continue to research and identify new species of garlic as well as their associated health and wellbeing benefits when it comes to developing future SupaGarlic products.

“If you’re developing a nutraceutical product, I think it’s important for consumers to know that what they’re ingesting is safe, has full traceability, and is grown in a clean environment that’s absolutely safe”.

Since its inception in 1999 on less than 10 hectares near Mildura, AGP has grown exponentially. Nick’s final message for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those considering entering the agriculture industry, is simple: have a deep love for what you do. This, coupled with sound business planning, will help you overcome the inevitable challenges and hurdles that arise in building a business.

AGP and Nick’s garlic bulbs will be trucked to retailers such as Coles and Woolworths over the winter, completing Diamantopoulos’ decades-long ambition to fill supermarket shelves with Australian garlic. He says Australia is now the only country with a continuous supply of fresh, local bulbs.  

“My Greek mother makes the best skordalia in the world,” he says.


当 Nick Diamantopoulos 在30年前于维多利亚州吉普斯兰(Gippsland)买下一个休闲农场时,他简朴的愿望仅是盼着澳大利亚人不再需要购买进口蒜头,却从未预料到,他的一腔热情会造就了目前澳大利亚的蒜头产业巨头(AGP)。









其实在AGP横空出世之前,澳大利亚大约有1万吨蒜头皆为进口货,本土蒜头产业几乎不存在。格里菲斯(Riverina Griffiths)地区有几个意大利籍种植者,少量生产蒜头仅供个人使用,并将剩余的一些蒜头卖给当地的生鲜市场。基于对蒜头生产、疾病管理,虫害防治和施肥方面的科学知识有限,加剧了蒜头产业非结构性的难题。就连新南威尔士州的农业部最初也对在澳大利亚种植蒜头的可行性持怀疑态度。








AGP和Nick的蒜头球茎将在冬季用卡车运往科尔斯(Coles)和伍尔沃斯(Woolworths)零售商处,从而圆满达成Nick Diamantopoulos长达数十年的雄心壮志–让超市的货架上摆满澳大利亚蒜头。

