Sky Garage In Melbourne 墨尔本的天空车库

Enrich Realty Group in collaboration with Growland and EZ Australia hosted an exclusive evening preview for selected friends and potential customers showcasing Melbourne’s latest super condominium apartment that will change the meaning of luxury living in Australia. 

Dubbed ‘sky garages’, this latest 20-storey property development by Growland, Neue Grand – Australia’s First Sky Garage Residence – is set to join New York, Dubai and Singapore in providing facilities that allow residents to park their expensive wheels in their luxurious condo next to the living rooms. This is made possible by transporting the vehicles via lifts with state-of-the-art German engineering technology. 

Rothelowman Architects will work with buyers to individually tailor  their tastes and requirements; ensuring that these soon to be called homes will construct their own strands of unique building DNA. Among the 30 VIPS were the CEO of Growland, Ronald Chan; Managing Director of Enrich Property, Hubert Jahja; CEO of EZ Magazine, Ping Chng;  Charlie Xu, David Chandler, David Liao,Toni El-Helou, Christina Chia,  Dr Giovanni Butera, Huy Chau, Jeremy Goh and Ester Choi etc. 

Enrich Realty Group与Growland联同《御智澳大利亚》携手合作,为贵宾朋友和潜在客户们举办了独家晚会预展,展示了墨尔本最新的超级豪华公寓,这也是改变澳大利亚奢华生活方式的新里程碑。

由房产开发商Growland高地集团开发推介,这个被称为“天空车库”的最新20层楼高的豪华住宅项目 – Neue Grand公寓大楼,是和纽约、迪拜和新加坡同步,让买家业主可以通过采用先进的德国精湛工艺技术升降机运送,实现将昂贵的爱车停放在豪华公寓客厅旁边的想法。

而Rothelowman Architects将与买家积极配合,根据他们的品味和要求量身定制住宅设计,并确保这些即将被称为“家园”的地方构建本身独特的DNA印记。出席预展的30位VIP贵宾是 Growland 首席执行官 Ronald Chan、 Enrich Property 董事经理Hubert Jahja、《御智澳大利亚》杂志首席执行官 Ping Chng、Charlie Xu、David Chandler、David Liao、Toni El-Helou、Christina Chia、Giovanni Butera博士、Huy Chau、Jeremy Goh 和 Ester Choi 等。